Dog allergies
23 May 2018

How to deal with spring without parasites

Spring has finally arrived, and with it the desire to take long walks with our four-legged friends.

The change of season and what follows from it, is not a factor that affects only men, but also the animals are affected; you must therefore know how to prepare dogs to face the arrival of hot temperatures.

In addition to the physiological change of hair and a targeted diet, with the arrival of heat we find the presence of typical summer parasites that, in addition to the undoubted annoyance, can cause serious infections or transmit diseases like the Leishmaniasis canine.


Canine leishmaniasis is the third most important disease in the world, both by diffusion and by gravity; unfortunately, in fact, it is often deadly for the dog.

The disease is caused by a micrororganism called Leishmania infantum that is transmitted to the dog through the bite of an insect, the c.d. phlebotomist or pappatacio that actually resembles a tiny mosquito and like this, it works by sucking blood.

The coastal areas of the center and the south are the areas at greatest risk, but in recent years there has been an increase in the spread of the disease also in many areas in northern Italy, probably due to climate changes and a greater movement of people and animals.

Leishmaniasis is a particularly serious chronic disease that can cause serious damage to your dog.


But how do you notice if your dog has contracted leishmaniasis?

Unfortunately, it is very easy to understand why canine leishmaniasis is a disease with a wide symptomatic manifestation: cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral.

The symptoms of leishmaniasis, however, do not appear immediately, may even take a few weeks from the puncture of pappatacio and may occur individually or all together at the same time.

  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Enlargement of liver and spleen;
  • Renal failure and consequent continuous urination, excessive thirst and sometimes vomiting;
  • Widespread pains;
  • lameness;
  • Rare fever;
  • Eye problems, such as conjunctivitis, uveitis, retinitis
  • Anemia

For this you need to check as soon as possible if our animal has contracted the infection, you can do it from your vet with a simple test and in ten minutes you will have the answer.

How to face the spring without parasites that disturb our animals? Prevention first of all.

There are many antiparasitic products on the market to prevent canine leishmaniasis. Make sure that the repellent effect against phlebotomists and the activity to reduce the risk of transmission of leishmaniasis is also indicated on the package insert.

Follow these simple tips:

The parasite is more active from dusk to dawn, so reduce nighttime walks or avoid leaving the dog outdoors during the evening.

Use environmental insecticides at home.

There is a vaccine for the prevention of canine leishmaniasis, but does not guarantee 100% protection, so it is always necessary to associate it with pesticides with repellent activity.

Happy Care has always been attentive to animal welfare; with the use of our magnetotherapic carpets you will get the acceleration of all self-healing phenomena thanks to a biorigenerating, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and analgesic action.

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